
Content Manager Reports

Skill Lake provides Reports for Content Managers to efficiently monitor the courses created or managed by them. 

The Reports section is divided into two subsections, namely Summary and Learners. 


In the Summary tab, the content managers can view the enrollment summary of the courses created/managed by them.

Courses Enrollment Summary

The content managers can view the course name, category and the count of learners in various stages of course completion. Click on the Export button to export the course enrollment summary report in excel format.

Filtering the report

You can filter the course enrollment summary using the filters, category, type, and level


In the Learners report, the content managers can select a specific course created/managed by them and view the list of learners enrolled in the courses along with their enrollment details and learning progress.

Courses Learner Enrollment

Click on the Export button to export the course learner enrollment report in excel format.

Filtering the report

You can filter the course learner enrollment report using the filters, department, status, learning activity, and period.

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