
Creating Questions & Tests

A collection of questions forms a question bank. Question Banks let you create a common pool of questions for the course, to be used in the tests. Question banks can store questions within categories.

Every course in Skill Lake has its own question bank. Click on the Create Question button to create a question.

Creating multiple-choice questions

Select the question type, enter the question text, question tags (used to filter the relevant questions from the question bank while creating a test), and hint for the question (optional). Below that, you can enter the answer options (By default 3). If you want to add more than 3 options, you can do so by clicking on the Add option button. The option that you mark as ‘Correct answer’ will be considered as the correct answer for the question. The feedback that you enter under each option is what the learner gets when he/she attempts a guided test, which is helpful for self evaluation.

Creating True or False questions

Select the question type, question text, enter the question tags (used to filter the relevant questions from the question bank while creating a test), and hint for the question (optional). In the Answer options, you can enter the true option and enter the feedback for the correct answer. Also, You can enter the false option and enter the feedback for the incorrect answer

Enter the feedback for correct and wrong answers for the graded test. Click on Save and add next question button to add another question. Click on the Save button to save the changes made.

Importing Questions

Click on the Import Question button to import questions as a CSV file or from another course.

Click on the Download this template and fill in the fields option to enter the questions, answers, hint, options, and feedback in an excel file.

Using the Upload template, you can upload the excel file containing questions and click on the Import button.

Importing Questions from another course

Click on the Import from another course option to import the questions from another course published in Skill Lake. Select the course from which the questions have to be imported. The questions from that course will be displayed. Click on the Add to question bank button after selecting the questions to include the questions to the question bank.

Creating Tests

There are two types of tests that can be assigned to the learner. They are Graded tests and Guided tests.

The Guided test aids the learner during his learning process. In the guided test, while you click the options in the test, you will get feedback for each option that guides you through the test to the correct answer.

The Graded test evaluates the learner’s understanding of the concept. Graded tests have a limit on the number of attempts for the test and the pass criteria. The learner has to pass the test within a specific number of attempts. Once the learner completes and submits the test, the number of correct and wrong answers, unattempted questions, the total score along with the number of attempts will be displayed. The graded test can be included anywhere in the course to evaluate the learner’s progress in learning the concepts.

Click on the Add test button to add a test to the course.

Enter the test name, description for the test, question tags (used for filtering the relevant questions from the question bank), and choose the test type. For a guided test, enter the number of questions. For graded tests, enter the number of questions and attempts. If it is a timed test, enter the duration (in hours and minutes) for completing the test. Also tick the pass criteria option and enter the number of correct answers required to pass the test. Click on the Save button. The system will randomly pick the questions from the question bank based on the configuration made for each type of test. You can use the same questions for both graded and guided tests.

Configuring the tests

To create a test in a unit, you can click on the ‘Add test’ button and enter the test name, description, question tags, test type, and the number of questions. While configuring the tests, the system will randomly pick the questions from the question bank and create the tests based on the configuration. For graded tests, you should also prescribe the number of attempts, the duration of the timed tests, and the number of correct answers for the pass criteria. While previewing the test, you can see the name, description, number of attempts, and total number of questions.

Suppose you have a subject ‘Computer Science’, in which C++ and Java are two units. When you add a question, you can add question tags used for filtering the relevant questions from the question bank. So when you add a question for C++ topic, you need to enter the question tag as C++. Same way, for Java topics, you can add questions for which Java is entered in the question tag. You can also create questions with no tags. These questions can be used for a general test.

For a C++ test, if you have given the number of questions as 10, question tag as C++, and the course is Learning C++, then the system will pick 10 questions having the C++ tag from the question bank.
Suppose you want to set a test for the Computer Science topic, then you can fetch questions having both C++ and Java tags. Also, if you want to conduct a general test, then you can pick the questions with no tags.

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