
Learning Overview

The Mentors can define a career path for their employees and identify the courses employees need to be enrolled in, to develop their skills and competencies, which enables them to excel in their careers. Also, the learners themselves can enroll in preferred courses to improve their skills.

The Learning Overview section provides the complete list of courses in which the learner is enrolled. The learner can navigate to the Learning Overview page, either from the Learning home or Profile page.

Click on the course count or on the right arrow in the Your learning summary section on your Learning Home to navigate to the Learning overview page.

Click on the View all link in the Other courses enrolled section in the Learning home or Learning overview section in the Profile page to navigate the Learning overview page.

The Learning overview section displays the number of courses the learner is enrolled in and their status for Self-paced, Instructor-led, Mandatory, and Restricted courses. In the Self-paced courses section, the learner can view the assigned and self-enrolled course details.

The Courses section provides the course name, self-enrolled/enrolled by, course type, percentage of completion, course enrolled and completed dates, the number of tests passed, and last viewed date. The learner can also search for courses in the Courses section.

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