
Managing Email Configuration & Expertise Tags

The Administrator can configure the SMTP details to be used for triggering system notification emails, for example, when a learner is enrolled in a course, an email notification is sent to notify the learner about the course.

Email Configuration

In the Administration tab, click on the Settings tab and the Email Configuration menu on the left side. Enter the SMTP hostname, SMTP name, SMTP port, SMTP user, SMTP password, and click on the Save button. Click on the Send test mail button to trigger a test mail to verify the settings.

Expertise tags

You can create new tags that learners can use to indicate their skills.
Select the Settings tab and click on the Expertise tags menu on the left side of the Administration tab.

Click on the Create Expertise tag button to create a new tag. In the pop-up, enter the expertise tags separated by commas and click on the Save button.

Click on the Edit icon to edit the expertise tags already created and save the changes.

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