
Monitoring of the Learner’s Progress

In this article

 In Skill Lake, every learner has one or more Mentor(s) to guide them in the learning journey. Mentor assigns relevant courses or learning activities and monitors the learner’s progress on the assigned courses, tests, and assignments.

A mentor can view the list of all assigned learners under the “Mentor” tab. Click on a learner name to get the details of all courses assigned to the learner. You can also access the learning journal for your learners from here.

The “Learning Overview” section gives the summary of all the courses in which the learner is enrolled and can enter journal details. Click on the View details link in the Learning overview section to get a detailed view of the courses the learner is enrolled in.

Click on the Progress icon in the Courses section to view the progress of the learner by unit.

The course progress screen gives the details of learning progress by unit. The mentor can see the test scores and attempts. They can view whether their learners have passed/ failed the test and identify the areas that need more attention.

For planning out a learning schedule for the Learner and to set learning goals, a Mentor can use the “Learning Plan” feature. Refer to the article on “Learning Plan” for more details.

Learning Journal

Mentors can create learning journals to record the learner’s progress and share feedback/ suggestions to help them achieve their learning goals. This is also helpful during the review meetings and for future reference.  

Click on the Learning Journal icon to add learning journal entries of your learners.

Click on the Add journal entry button to add journal entries for the learner. Enter your comments, select the related knowledge areas and learning objectives and click on the Save button.

Your entry will be listed on the Learning Journal page. You can edit or delete the journal entries.

Note: You can edit or delete the journal entries based on the permissions set through the permissions set for your user role in the Administration > Roles and Permissions page.

Editing the learning Journal

Click on the Edit icon to edit your learning journal and click the Update button to update the changes.

The updated journal entries will be displayed in the Learning Journal page.

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