

Skill Lake provides Reports for Mentors within the “Mentor” tab to assist them in efficiently monitoring the progress made by their learners.

The Reports section is divided in two subsections, namely Learners and Courses.


In the Learners tab, the mentors can view 2 reports: – the Enrollment summary report and the report on the past 7 days of activity of the learners assigned to them.

Viewing learners enrollment summary

Click on the Summary menu to view the summary of course enrollments for each learner. The mentors can view the name, department, count of assigned, self-enrolled and completed courses, and the last login date of the learner. Also, the count of learners, mentors, and course assignments are displayed. You can filter the data by any of the report columns, learner name, department name, count of assigned courses, self-enrolled courses, completed courses, and date of the last login. Click on the Export button to export the learner enrollment summary in excel format. You can communicate with your learners using the email ids you get while exporting the report to excel.

Click on the Filter icon to search the learner enrollment summary report based on the department and reporting manager of the learners.

Viewing learner’s past 7 days’ activity

Click on the Activity menu to track the activities of your learners in the past 7 days. The mentors can view the name of the learner, course accessed, percentage of completion, and last access date of the course. You can filter the report by any of the columns, learner name, course name, percentage of completion, and last accessed date. Click on the Export button to export the learner’s past activity in excel format. You can communicate with your learners using the email ids you get while exporting the report to excel.


In the Courses menu, the mentors can view 2 reports – the Enrollment summary and the report on learner enrollments for a specific course.

Viewing courses enrollment summary

Click on the Summary menu to view the enrollment summary of the courses assigned to various learners. The mentors can view the name, category, count of courses completed, in progress, yet to start status, and total courses enrolled. Also, the total count of self-paced courses and instructor-led courses created in Skill Lake will be displayed.

You can filter the course enrollment summary report using the filters, course name, course category, count of completed, in-progress, yet to start, and total courses enrolled. Click on the Export button to export the course enrollment summary in excel format.

Click on Filter to search the course summary report based on the category, type, and level of the courses in which learners are enrolled.

Viewing learners enrollment for courses

Click on the Learners menu to view the learner enrollments for a selected course. The mentors can view the name of the learner, department, enrolled by person, enrolled date, overdue status, course status, progress percentage, count of tests passed, and last viewed date. Use filter the report by any of the columns. Click on the Export button to export the learner enrollments for the courses in excel format.

Click on the Filter to filter the report based on the department, status, learning activity, and period of the courses.

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